The Untold Story of Friends Who Don’t Support Your Business

And Why You Need to Move Past This…

4 min readOct 2, 2024
Photo by Pixabay:

When you start your own business, especially in the raw beginning, it’s natural to assume that your friends and family will be your biggest supporters. After all, they care about you, right? They’ve watched you hustle, cheered you on, and celebrated your wins in other parts of life. So, why wouldn’t they be the first in line to buy from you, share your work, or shout about your biz from the rooftops?

Well, here’s the harsh truth: most of them won’t. And that’s okay. It doesn’t mean they don’t care about you. It just means they aren’t your ideal customers — and that’s a distinction you need to embrace sooner rather than later.

Your Friends Aren’t Your Audience

Here’s the thing: your friends and family probably aren’t your target market. They may love you and want to see you succeed, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to become paying clients or customers. Often, they aren’t even interested in what you’re selling — maybe it’s not something they need, or maybe it’s not relevant to their lives.

It might be a tough pill to swallow at first. You might think, “If my own friends won’t buy from me, how am I going to convince complete strangers to?” But let me stop you…




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