Social Media Marketing

Practical Tips for Turning Audience Feedback into Engaging Content

Content creation made easy

3 min readJun 21, 2024


Image by Styled Stock Society

If you’re a small business owner or content creator, you might sometimes find yourself stuck when looking for fresh content ideas. But, there’s one untapped resource for generating content ideas hiding in plain sight: your comment sections.

Whether it’s on Instagram, YouTube, or even here on Medium, comments can provide you with a wealth of ideas.

Why Comments Matter

Comments are a direct line to your audience’s thoughts, questions, and feedback. When people take the time to comment on your posts, they’re giving you insights into what interests them, what they’re curious about, and what they need help with.

By noting these comments, you can create additional content that will resonate with your audience because it’s based on their expressed needs and interests.

Steps to Transform Comments into Content




🇦🇺 Social Media Marketer & Content Repurposing Expert.